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Education Manager provides you with a security layer for Google and Microsoft education platforms, so that teachers can set courses, mark work and provide feedback online, safely and securely for students in secure accommodation, such as prisons or secure training centres.

Using pre-configured Chromebooks or Linux devices, teachers and our security-cleared colleagues can monitor, use and lock down access to specific areas. Devices are also able to operate with the same security even when not connected to the network. 

Having a purpose-built education package for students operating in the justice system enables them to continue their studies and achieve successful outcomes. 

Impactful work accessible with GSuite

Education Manager

Impactful work accessible with GSuite

Education Manager helps educators meet their students engagement goals with personalised learning, productivity tools and the opportunity for collaborative project based work.

Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides can be accessed on the platform, regardless of whether students are connected to the internet. This means they can work on assignments in the classroom or back in their rooms.

Connected to pathways

Education Manager can be used by itself or as a module of Pathways.

Pathways is dedicated to supporting corrections staff, offenders, victims and the public throughout the justice process.

It connects data and functionality across the justice sector work together. So you can do what you do best, helping people with the knowledge that you have their full and up to date story.

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Education Manager


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