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We help to change lives every day

Our customers are national governments and international health bodies. They’re also police forces, emergency services, local authorities and housing providers, all working to prevent harm and provide the right support.

We build software and services that deliver great outcomes.

Our customers inspire
everything we do

We know them.
We’ve been them.
We are them.

We’ve been health screeners and benefits officers. We’ve worked in housing, probation and for the emergency services. And we’re all service users too. Our understanding of the challenges fires our ambition to overcome them.

See how we support new users to maximise value

We're cutting edge, but not tech for tech's sake


We're cutting edge, but not tech for tech's sake

Our energy comes from a job well done. When we work in biometrics or predictive analytics it’s so that customers on tight budgets can find the person in need amid the thousands they serve.

See what the Internet of Things can do in housing

We're service
innovators too

We fine-tune our software to deliver great performance in the cloud. And react at lightning speed to customer challenges, running critical services remotely within hours of a call. We align our tech to match their needs so they can focus on what matters. 

Like helping two councils stay connected in lockdown

Fast facts

  • NEC Software Solutions is headquartered in the UK and operates around the world.
  • We employ more than 3,000 people in six countries, building software and services to get our customers better outcomes.
  • We traded as Northgate Public Services until 1 July 2021 when we rebranded to align with our owners, NEC. Most of our subsidiary companies did too (APD Communications, i2N, EMIS Care and Charter Systems) but our service design agency still trades as Snook.
  • We’ve been part of global tech company NEC Corporation since January 2018.

Find out more about our business on the Corporate Responsibility and Performance pages.

Our values

Inspiring, because we make the right choices

Involved, because our enthusiasm creates energy

Innovative, because we always ask what’s next

Improve, because we find every possible benefit.