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Maximise clinic availability with Capacity Planning for OptoMize

Clinic management is a tough job for screening programmes. You’re balancing demand, availability and budgets while managing requests to rebook and follow-up ‘Did Not Attends’. Our new Capacity Planning module is an ideal tool to help you plan ahead. By using your past data to help you predict demand, you can ensure smooth delivery and make the best use of all available resources.

What is the Capacity Planning module?

Our Capacity Planning module gives you a complete overview of your historic and future clinics. By letting you visualise data as a series of bars, and predict demand to match, it helps you manage clinics, appointments and any backlog with ease. You can see when and how many recalls you’ll receive on an aggregated week by week or month by month basis. That means it’s easy to see the peaks and troughs and plan future clinics accordingly.

Powerful tools to manage and predict demand

Here’s what this latest module for OptoMize helps you do:

  • Smooth recalls to make best use of clinic capacity: Recall can often become uneven, with many screening participants recalled in one month and few in another. This module helps you select a set of recalls, over weeks or months, and smooth them so that recall happens at a more consistent rate.
  • Spot trends in cancelled appointments and DNAs: With a week-by-week bar chart you can see appointments that have been made, attended, cancelled or missed. That means you can identify when (or where) issues are more likely and plan your clinics to match.
  • Predict which clinics you’ll need in future: You can see clinic capacity alongside each ‘bar’ of screening participants being recalled, so you can see if more are needed. You can use the same tool to predict the number of appointments you’ll need to accommodate cancellations and DNAs too.
  • Manage the backlog more easily: You can see those waiting for an appointment that’s overdue or almost overdue, helping you locate people who’ve been waiting the longest. You can then spread that backlog into future weeks and make sure the right capacity is there.

As well as providing a clear overview, you can also drill down into the data and see the particular groups of participants that make up each ‘bar’. And if you want to smooth demand, just select a group and move them across to appointment management.

Capacity Planning makes it far easier to manage complex clinic schedules, leaving you more time to spend on supporting patients.

Find out more about NEC OptoMize and our health screening software.