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NEC Software Solutions contributes to a new British Standard for Facial Recognition technology

With the public trust in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and, specifically, Facial Recognition technology (FRT) growing it is important that the deployment in Public Safety operations is transparent and ethical. As a leading provider of facial recognition technology NEC Software Solutions (NECSWS) has taken an active role in contributing to the development of a new British Standard. 

Our Head of Strategy, Paul Roberts, has worked closely on the committee over the last two years and the standard sets out the importance of regularly reviewing the ethics of AI and its application in FRT. It embeds best practice and gives guidance on the appropriate guardrails for safe and unbiased use of FRT through the definition of two scenarios: identification and verification. 

As Paul says, “Whenever we adopt new technologies as part of our solutions we routinely scrutinise their use through our Ethics Board to ensure that we can be transparent with our customers on how our solutions work so that they can be clear in their operations that they are adopting solutions that meet best practice and can assure the public of their performance. By working closely to help develop these new standards we believe we are helping all suppliers and end-users in ensuring that these technologies meet ethical and legal requirements.” 

The new standard sets out six key overarching principles of ‘trustworthiness’. These are backed up with a summary of policies that are required to be maintained by those across the supply chain. The guide covers its applicability across governance and accountability, human agency and oversight, privacy and data governance, technical robustness and safety, transparency and explain-ability, diversity, non-discrimination, and fairness.  

You can find out more about our Facial Recognition Software by clicking the link. Find out how we’re building safer and smarter communities, with the worlds most trusted facial recognition solution.

You can also access the standard here.