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How is it different from Standard Records Management Systems?

NEC Connect creates richer and more accurate records then makes them work harder. At the point of entry, officers complete the right fields for future use and get alerted to duplicates. So you start out with full confidence in the data you hold.

Rather than syncing to mobiles and other systems at intervals, NEC Connect’s deep integration tells officers 100% of what’s known in real time. Which means they’ll always make informed decisions.

And by taking this accurate, real-time data and making it shareable – securely, efficiently and in line with best practice – you can transform performance and collaboration. Like grouping records into ‘problems’ and working proactively to solve them, across departments, between forces and with partner agencies.

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How Can NEC Connect Help You?

Unlike other systems, NEC Connect is designed to deliver a step-change in performance. It tells officers everything there is to know in real time, in the station or in the field, which means decisions across crime, intelligence, custody, case preparation and more.

It supports true proactive management by making it easy to group crimes or individuals into ‘problems’ and take a broader view, either across departments or alongside other agencies.

It’s purpose-built for action, not storage. Each new record gets to work immediately, triggering tasks automatically, supporting investigations and building up intelligence.

It supports best practice in policing, with advanced tools for data protection, evidence gathering and record accuracy.

It’s continually evolving to meet changing needs, with millions of pounds of investment and counting.

NEC Connect lets you share actions as well as data. By making collaboration simple, secure, and efficient you can transform how you work with partners and the public.

It’s designed to integrate seamlessly with key police systems, cutting out costly manual processes and improving accuracy.

Streamlining workflows by bringing your data into one place

Police Records Management System

Streamlining workflows by bringing your data into one place

Our police records management system enables forces to integrate information into a single Person, Object, Location and Event (POLE) oriented data store to streamline workflows.

Featuring modules to encompass all key police functions, from crime investigation through to custody, prosecutions and appeal, our solutions support the concept of ‘digital first’, avoiding duplication by ensuring a single, accurate record. They provide anytime, anywhere access, including to mobile devices, to support flexible working without the need for 3rd party mobile solutions.

Speak To An Expert

“The systems connectivity will help teams controlling offenders see their interactions with the force and neighbourhood teams to see incidents in geo-fenced areas. Visualisation of intelligence will transform investigation opportunities. PMPs will help us plan and coordinate prevention interventions. That is Precision Policing”.

Dave Thompson, Chief Constable, West Midland Police

“The system I used when I first started was like a Ford Cortina; it got me from A to B. Now we’re an Athena force, it’s like I’m driving a Tesla – intelligent, efficient and constantly adjusting to improve performance.” 

Simon Little, Sergeant, Norfolk Constabulary


The NEC Connect platform uses a single data store and aligned business services designed to scale to your growing requirements. There are core modules for investigations, intelligence, custody and case preparation as well as options for:

  • Digital Asset Management
  • Digital Evidence
  • Mobile
  • Partner Platform
  • Public Engagement
  • Property Management
  • Missing Persons

You can also add our leading Forensics Case Management software to your NEC Connect suite.

Download Our Module Catalogue
Police Records Management System